<log> 20:58:56 couf So who's around for an FLP meeting? 20:59:25 Rasther DiegoZacarao (pt_BR) (a bit busy :P) 20:59:29 * marek Marek Mahut (sk) 21:00:08 marek I'm updating agenda right now 21:00:12 marek glazos around? 21:00:25 couf marek: haven't seen him in a while 21:00:47 couf_ .seen glezos 21:00:47 mmcgrathbo couf_: glezos was last seen in #fedora-meeting 1 week, 2 days, 1 hour, 42 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: * glezos jumps in 21:01:00 Rasther long time I don't see glezos.. 21:01:07 couf_ marek: there ya go :) 21:01:14 marek :( 21:02:10 petreu| Peter Reuschlein (de_DE) 21:02:15 couf_ meeting agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings 21:02:15 petreu| sry for beeing late 21:02:24 petreu| | changes nick to petreu 21:02:53 couf_ changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora L10N | Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings | Topic: Chair 21:02:56 couf_ hi petreu 21:03:07 marek couf_ do you take chair? 21:03:11 couf_ so let's get started 21:03:14 marek ok 21:03:17 couf_ marek: if no one objects 21:03:40 marek I think you're the best present person :) go ahead 21:04:03 couf_ someone who wants to take up notes for the list? 21:04:11 * marek takes. 21:04:21 * couf_ thanks marek 21:04:39 couf_ so it's been a while since we met 21:05:00 couf_ changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora L10N | Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings | Topic: Updates 21:05:18 couf_ anyone have any updates on the TQSG? 21:05:27 couf_ noriko is absent, but still 21:05:51 marek none from me 21:06:54 petreu no neither from me, im currently outdated with infos cause im pretty busy 21:07:33 couf_ okay, moving on 21:07:45 couf_ changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora L10N | Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings | Topic: translate.fp.o 21:08:05 marek I tried to commit and it's working fine for me 21:08:17 marek I also heard good feedback from other community members 21:09:06 couf_ great 21:09:47 marek publictest5.fedoraproject.org is running the same version as translate.fedoraproject.org? 21:10:05 Rasther marek: no 21:10:27 marek Rasther: ok 21:10:31 couf_ Rasther: are all modules enabeld on transifex now? 21:11:16 Rasther couf_: I'm not sure, but I don't think so... 21:11:47 Rasther https://publictest5.fedora.redhat.com/submit/module/ 21:12:03 Rasther that's the modules availables 21:12:48 couf_ Rasther: any idea when the others will be enabeld? 21:14:04 Rasther couf_: only glezos can answer it 21:14:35 couf_ hmm, pitta :-/ 21:14:59 couf_ it would be nice to have that knowledge a bit more distributed so we don't rely all to much upon him 21:16:45 couf_ which also brings me to another thing: Libbe ask in -l10n what's up with the site stats, most seem to be 0 21:17:38 couf_ Libbe: correct? 21:17:53 Libbe couf_: yep. that's correct. 21:18:46 Rasther maybe someone from #fedora-admin can look at it! 21:19:34 * Rasther has no ideia and no access on t.fp.o infra 21:20:17 * couf_ will take this to admin 21:21:12 couf_ any other things on the website? 21:21:33 marek none from me 21:23:49 couf_ okay: update from -admin: the update script is working, but not putting stuff in the db 21:24:23 couf_ let's move on 21:24:35 couf_ changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora L10N | Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings | Topic: open floor 21:24:44 couf_ anyone have anything they want to bring up? 21:27:51 marek I have 21:27:57 marek *release notes* 21:28:05 marek what's the progress? 21:28:22 marek personally, I think I will finish sk release notes for F8 on time (22nd OcT) 21:28:58 couf_ I haven't had thing for the nl relnotes (shame on me) 21:31:35 couf_ if you miss the deadline, there will be a zero-day update for relnotes to include erata and updated/new translations 21:32:15 marek yes, it's on 7th november 21:32:32 marek any else with relnotes update? 21:33:08 marek ah I have one question actually, how to add a credit for relnotes? as my friend is doing a big part of the job, I would like to include here in credits 21:34:58 couf_ marek: good question, stickster_afk probably knows the answer to that 21:36:32 couf_ okay, anything else? 21:36:44 couf_ if not, we'll close it here 21:36:58 petreu kk them im off to bed 21:37:00 * couf_ closes in 10 21:37:18 couf_ 5 21:37:31 couf_ == meeting end == 21:37:36 couf_ thanks all for attending 21:37:45 petreu wish ya a nice night cya 21:37:59 couf_ next meeting will be on 30 Oct </log>