Name: Nicole Mitchell Location: Panama,Panama Login FAS: nickymarie90 Languange: Spanish Profession or student status: System and Computing engineering About you: Im telecommunications engineer and right now im studying systems and computing engineering at Technological University of Panama. I like all about computers, gadgets and networking. You and fedora project: this is the first time that i use fedora and i would like to know everything about this awsome project. gpg: key EAF74D78 Key fingerprint = 6773 50D3 4441 46B6 36C9 B72D 2949 FD80 EAF7 4D78
2011/6/25 Nicole Mitchell
Name: Nicole Mitchell Location: Panama,Panama Login FAS: nickymarie90 Languange: Spanish Profession or student status: System and Computing engineering
Welcome to the Fedora L10N Project!
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kind regards
Domingo Becker (es)