Here is a bit of a different question I think. I have an F-11 box I'm
setting up to let people access it for some file shares using samba. In
order to control the access I created a user for each person I want to allow
access. Each user was created without their own group or an account, file in
"/home", since none of them will be allowed to do anything except access
file shares. The above users were then assigned to several groups I created.
The problem is every one of the users I created shows up as an entry in the
main login screen on the locally attached display console. Is there anyway
to only display logins for those uses that have an account they can access
while not showing the others? Those that have an account will be accessing
their account by loging in, by attaching remotely, using Xrdp which by the
way is a slick way of handling multiple users on the machine at the same
time and letting them use their desktop.
Leland C. Scott