2016-03-02 2:47 GMT+01:00 stan <stanl-fedorauser@vfemail.net>:

Unlikely.  Actually, almost definitely no.

If you do rpm -qi qemu, does it give package information?  It should,
or else it isn't in the rpm database.  What does rpm -qa | grep -i qemu

Ok so i got this when i type the commands :

$ rpm -qi qemu
package qemu is not installed

$ rpm -qa | grep -i qemu

It makes no sense that dnf can't remove it if it is in the rpm
database.  Is there any kind of failure message?  What happens if you
use the -v (--verbose) option to dnf?  Do you have qemu set up as a
protected package?

using the verbose on the removal give me this :

$ dnf remove -v qemu.x86_64
cachedir: /var/cache/dnf
Loaded plugins: needs-restarting, debuginfo-install, reposync, copr, playground, download, config-manager, Query, builddep, protected_packages, noroot, langpacks, generate_completion_cache
langpacks: No languages are enabled
Error reading file : /var/lib/dnf/plugins/langpacks/installed_langpacks as it does not exist
initialized Langpacks plugin
DNF version: 1.1.5
No match for argument: qemu.x86_64
Error: No packages marked for removal.

If it is in the rpm database, it can be removed using rpm, as well.
The man page will tell you how.  But better to use the package manager
if you can.

I notice that the epoch on the virt-preview package is 2.  I don't know
what it is on the fedora package, but if it is less than 2, no updates
are going to occur as long as that virt-preview package is installed.

Mixing repositories is problematic for exactly this reason, unless
there is close coordination.

Well, back then i had almost no idea what is was doing so i followed the tutorial to the letter, seemed like a good idea back then, i had so many issue trying to install qemu manually at the time...