Sorry, I didn't know that it concerned to emails in the thunderbird.

---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: g <>
Datum: 5. 7. 2015 10:14:06
Předmět: Re: TB - Sort add-on

On 07/05/15 01:27, wrote:
> You can e.g. use "ls" and "mv" shell commands to move the old
> directory ("folder") content in the new one in the desired order..

uh... what???

in following, i am defining containers by their names as used in both
thunderbird and as viewed with a file browser. first use will be marked
with ' '. after, just by name.

op is wanting to arrange and sort within an 'email folder file', which is
a 'file' containing emails, not a 'directory'.

a 'folder directory' does not contain emails. that is it should not because
having emails in a 'top folder directory' can/may lead to corruption.

if an email folder file has emails that have been moved into it from random
email folder files, the emails can end up in a non chronological order.

to arrange emails into a chronological order, they must be manually move,
ie, dragged and dropped to either a temp email folder file, or to desire
destination folder file in chronological order.

which is why i suggested using;

View > Sort by > { selection }

to view emails in order desired.

to my knowledge, and i just now checked again, there is no add-on that
will physically sort emails by chronological order. there may be a
'3rd party' add-on to physically sort emails by chronological order,
but i am not aware of such. and yes, i have searched. tho not lately.


peace out.

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...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
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