Please, to get man page use ```man reposync```. Dnf 2.1 was just released into rawhide. It introduce alias for --repo option --repoid. We also have testing repository (dnf copr enable rpmsoftwaremanagement/dnf-nightly) that provides latest version of dnf-stack packages for Fc24+.

Hope that it will help


On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 2:57 AM, CLOSE Dave <> wrote:
On 02/14/17 18:47, Ed Greshko wrote:

>> Try "dnf reposync --repoid google-chrome". The "--repoid google-chrome"
>> works with repoquery.
> Yes, that would work.  Except, it seems,
> is currently unresolved.
> So, one must add keepcache=true to /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

Thanks. The command is accepted but not processed for me. I think this
time it's because IT is playing with our proxy. When they get it
working, I'll try again.

It seems there is still no man page. And as you said, the online
reference is just wrong (out of date).
Dave Close
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