On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Fernando Cassia <fcassia@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Fulko Hew <fulko.hew@gmail.com> wrote:
Can you post some instructions ? (for getting GMail usable again after "New Compose")
... snip ...
That will give you Old Compose

This has: saved my sanity, fixed my carpel tunnel, and given me back at least 5 minutes of each day
that I was recently wasting on the extra mouse clicks and movements that were now needed to accomplish
the simplest of tasks.
... snip ...

...but in the meantime it's a good stopgap solution.

I'll take any form of relief from that new UI, even if its only for a few days.
When the first introduced it, I tried it for a few minutes only to conclude how
user un-friendly it was. So I immediately turned it off.  Unfortunately when they
turned it on permanently a few months ago, my productivity dropped, and
I was ... extremely frustrated.
The real solution will be for Google to permanently enable old compose as an option for those of us who prefer it.
There's a petition here:

Sadly only 700 signatures so far...

I had already signed it back in August (# 413)
But like you said, Google won't listen, and we'll probably never get a usable UI back.