
   You can make fedora safe.... very safe... by installation FC + thrid party softwares...... its possible...


On 2/25/07, Arthur Pemberton <pemboa@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2/26/07, Peter Lauri <lists@dwsasia.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> How secure is a FC6 basic installation as an online web server?
> I have always used Plesk control panel on FC. But that is extremely
> vulnerable. I tried to install cvs with yum and some dependencies made Plesk
> stopped working. So now I am here, wanting to setup my plain web server with
> email, ftp, ssh and http(s) working.
> Anyone here who is running FC as their web server for the moment? And that
> configured it by them self?
> I am quite a newbie on this, but familiar with how FC works. I only have ssh
> connection access to the server, so all have to be done with that
> connection.
> Best regards,
> Peter Lauri
> www.dwsasia.com - company web site
> www.lauri.se - personal web site
> www.carbonfree.org.uk - become Carbon Free

Fedora comes with SELinux and ad enabled firewall: those two things
together with some fairly safe use of the machine will have you a very
secure Fedora.

However, it _may_ not be as stable as you would like since Fedora
updates fairly quickly.

Fedora Core 6 and proud

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