
recently I re installed firefox (in order to have the new firefox 49).

Till now, to install programs, I always used yum or rpm, and never I used the .tar file.

After I unpacked the .tar file, I was immediately able to run the new version of firefox simply creating a new symbolic link point to the new version to the file executable, without changing anything in the files unpacked files inside the directory where I dowloaded the file .tar (/home/my_dir/Downloads).

That is very simple as it is also very good …

But I am asking to myself if I really made all in the right way....

Of course, in order to use an application, it is enough to run the executable file -

But, under usual conditions, they are many other files that support the installation...

Generally they are not inside the directory where I unpacked the .tar file,–

Generally they are put in some appropriate directories.... and I didn't change anything never I modified or move files after I unpacked files in the original directory .

The organization of the programs, inside the directories of the computer, is managed by the programs that manage the installation... and in my case I didn't make anything..

So I would ask what is the correct way to arrange files after to unpack the .tar file for a program like firefox.

Thank you

