I'm clearly NOT one of the developers... simply a user and proponent.

I think it is very cool that someone who hasn't been (too) contaminated with computers in the last 20'ish years has been exposed to both late-model OS's.  Would be extremely interesting to further test this on other similar subjects---seeking to discern what an innocent person's perspective is as they approach both OS's for usefulness.

Thank you for your wonderful note into the forum!  Wish you both all the very best!


From: Roelof 'Ben' Kusters <web@bentrein.com>
To: users@lists.fedoraproject.org
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 10:14 PM
Subject: Compliment to the devs

Well done devs!

I have a friend, whose Thai wife has never really used computers. She's 
learning it now. He had me dualboot his computer with Windoze and F15; 
many people do. We are both used that most people don't give F15 - or 
Linux - a moment's thought, as they don't know how to use it. However, 
this woman - who knows neither Windoze nor Linux - now prefers to boot 
F15. My friend asked her why: "Because it's easier!"

Well done devs; stick it in your cap!


Roelof Kusters
aka Ben

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