On 3/23/23 04:45, Qiyu Yan wrote:
在 2023/3/23 11:22, Robert McBroom via users 写道:

Total strangeness with the new kernel series on fedora 37. My update was from 6.1.14 to the 6.2.7, missing several editions. With the new kernel the display was only 1024x768 on the 27" monitor. Even though x11 is selected in the display-manager the system comes up in wayland. Settings says that the monitor does not support any thing but the 1024x768 resolution. Patently untrue. Reverted to the 6.1.14 kernel.

Suspect that there is not a driver IN RPMFUSION for the geforce gt610 ON THE 6.2.7 and getting thrown back to VGA, but why wayland?

If you are using driver from RPMFUSION is should be akmod driver that will be compiled every time you update your kernel, or to say, it is not really for a specific version.

But, it can be the problem if the kernel module compilation somehow failed on your machine with new kernel. There is something to confirm like is the output of

$ lsmod | grep -E "(nouveau|nvidia)"

If you get nouveau in the output, it can be the problem like new kernel module failed to compile for the new kernel.

Exactly, the 6.2.7 kernel doesn't compile from the akmod.

~]# lsmod | grep -E "(nouveau|nvidia)"  
nouveau              3403776  0
mxm_wmi                16384  1 nouveau
video                  73728  1 nouveau
wmi                    45056  3 video,mxm_wmi,nouveau
drm_ttm_helper         16384  1 nouveau
ttm                   102400  2 drm_ttm_helper,nouveau
drm_display_helper    200704  1 nouveau

As noted, reverted to earlier kernel. 

rpm -qa|grep kmod

Not yet for 6.2 series kernels