I had Windows 10 and Fedora dual booting nicely on a i5 laptop but then the HD died.

I replaced it with a 1TB SSD (Yay!) and restored windows first per the recommended method. I then booting Fedora 29 Live and performed an install and all seemed to go well except it won't boot to fedora!

When I try to get to a boot menu I only see Windows Bootloader and Fedora (the latter doesn't work). When I boot to Fedora Live I see multiple entries with efibootmgr including two Fedora entries. 

I assume one is for the old system and one for the new. 

When I try to go into advanced settings in Win10 to change UEFI settings it reboots me but there is a password on the BIOS. I can't remember if I set a password of maybe the kids did somehow but I have tried every password I have ever used and it won't let me in.

Anyone got any ideas?
