Worked like a champ. Thanks!!

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Jack Craig <> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Mateusz Marzantowicz <> wrote:
On 12.07.2012 23:10, Jack Craig wrote:
Hi All, Trying to setup KVM on a new F16. I got a xp pro media/licence am trying to use
not reading closely enough, I tried this just inserting the dvd in my local drive. however, during the install, it rebooted to gui mode, asked for sp3 cdrom for asms. all attempt to re-reference the dvd fail. reading closer, i find, ... What is the install CD-ROM/ISO or URL? This is the path to a Fedora installation tree in the format used by anaconda. NFS, FTP, and HTTP locations are all supported. Examples include: - - -
as i just want a vm to load/use, each of these install staging options are tedious. Given the clever folks on this list, i thought to ask if anyone can suggest a better approach, thx, jackc...

I strongly recommend you using virt-manager for virtual machine management. It's easy to use and has all required options for creating virtual machines with different media including CD/DVD and ISO images.

Thanks, I'll try that approach....

Mateusz Marzantowicz

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