We installed Linux and some software for a customer and sent him the machine.
First we made sure everything was OK, rebooted, etc.

But now when he is trying to bring it up it goes through all the initialization stuff,
etc., but then he just gets the blue screen (you know, you usually get a blue
screen but with a login box in the middle?).  Anyway all he gets is a blue screen.

Any idea what could be wrong?  I know before there was a problem where in /etc/inittab
for runlevel 3, instead of


I put

x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon

but I tried this on a machine here.  It never gives you the blue screen.
It hangs after the initialization, and never goes into X.  Also, I had
him bring up the kernal select and put a " s" for single-user mode,
but the same thing happened.

Any ideas?