About four weeks ago I upgraded from F30 to F32. I've been using this same hardware for a few years now, and it worked fine* under multiple versions of Fedora.

However since I upgraded to F32 I've been finding my system randomly rebooting about every 8-14 days. I'll just come back to it and it'll be sitting at the encrypted partition unlock screen. When I check system logs (journalctl -b [bootID] -r) there's no indication that something went horribly wrong. No error messages, no nothing. It's just fine until I'm staring at a reboot screen.

It hasn't (yet) happened while I've been sitting at the computer so I can't tell if it's a clean shutdown or a hard reboot. Googling for "fedora" or "F32" and "random reboots" or "random crashes" doesn't bring up anything particularly helpful.

Tips? Suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

*Standard disclaimer about things like systemd and journalctl being an absolute dumpster fire