
I was trying to install Fedora 20 on a Dell Latitute e6530 using a USB stick. It doesn't work.

Various errors occur. From "USB device will not accept address" during initial boot, to being dropped to a dracut shell with a similar error, to "Cannot find a suitable stage1 device" after the installer UI starts and I try to partition disks.

At the very least, I have had to do the following:

Boot fedora
Switch to a shell
Manually delete partitions using fdisk
Still can't get fedora to install using USB
Try again
Give up.

Surprisingly, my DVD drive popped opens when rebooting from a USB install.

I have just burnt a F20 ISO, and it seems to be installing on my second attempt. It has actually recognized the fact I deleted partitions to free up space, where these didn't seem to be happening on USB installs.

Yep, I probably should have used fedup, but this is how I have installed new releases of Redhat/Fedora since the 1990s.

Clearly, USB installs of Fedora 20 have issues on modern Dell hardware.
