I have set permissions to all for both Com1 & 2, and even logged off and on again.  No luck.  How do you list the serial ports Com1 & 2 in Linux?  I have tried what I think is everything on port settings in "add camera".  I keep getting the message of "can't initialize camera, check your port settings".

On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 12:51, James Kosin wrote:
Dear Jim Sims,

>My DC120 camera is found with no problem when booting into "root" but not
found in user boot into KDE.  The "Digital Camera Tool" >won't "add" it, and
I don't know what port to list.  It is a serial port, and there are COM1 &
COM2 on my motherboard.

This is probably a simple permissions issue.  By default root is the only
user that has authority to talk to hadware.  Go to a terminal as root and
type the following:
    ls -l /dev/ttyS?

You should get something back that says for each entry:
    crw-rw----    1    root    uucp    .....

The problem is here that root and group uucp are the only users allowed to
read and write to the comport.
You can fix this one of two ways.  (1) change the permissions on the serial
ports to allow everyone to read/write to them, or (2) add the users that
need access to the group uucp.

(1) to change the permissions:
    chmod +r+w /dev/ttyS0  (for com 1)
    chmod +r+w /dev/ttyS1  (for com 2)

(2) to add users to the uucp group, use the tool to configure groups... or
'usermod -G uucp <user-login>'

Good Luck on the other questions....
James Kosin