On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 17:27 +1000, Steffen Kluge wrote:
On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 00:19 -0500, Christofer C. Bell wrote:
> We contribute by using the software.

Only if you submit bug reports and feature request. Bitching in forums
is not contributing.

Arriving at a concensus of opinion, by posting in forums, in an open exchange of information and perspectives can lead to improvement. Thesis vs Antithesis yields Synthesis. --Karl Marx. Some of us unskilled knuckleheads may be reticent to request a feature that may have some inherent flaw in our logic, so we can be disabused of knuckleheaded notions safely here.  There are perspectives to consider. Empathy is a good thing, IMHO. Ric