I am sorry. I was busy for work these days, so I reinstalled fedora......I think it will happen if I install some updates......Thanks all the way!

2011/2/24 JB <jb.1234abcd@gmail.com>
Yunchi Wang <wyunchilovechina <at> gmail.com> writes:

> ...

Make sure package ABRT is installed.
$ yum info abrt
$ yum list abrt

Run your program from menu System-Preferences-Desktop Effects or from xterm.
This should produce a dump (backtrace) that will be filed automatically, or if
not then you can extract it manually from ABRT with copy/paste (look for
backtrace, in particular):


There are already desktop-effects related bugs (you can browse them by key word
desktop-effects, if you want to get familiar with how to file a bug, etc).

Please attach that desktop-effects.out file to the assigned Bug Report #  as
well - it may help.

a green hand of opensource and linux