Since it is home, I would edit fstab and change "defaults" to "defaults,nofail" that will result in the system booting up if/when home is missing.   Then you can look at what is going on with home with the system booted and all tools.

Rule #1: avoid emergency mode and get the system on the network.

If it boots up with no emergency mode then and without network run these 2 commands

cat /proc/cmdline
 systemctl get-default

There are ways to prevent a VG/LV from being turned on during boot up that could cause this sort of issue.

 systemctl status home.mount

should tell you the error it things it got.

Also before you have done anything do a "lvs" and see what the state of the home lv is.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 11:02 PM Dave Close <> wrote:
Not sure how to title this issue but I'd appreciate advice. A laptop
running F34 crashed last night and won't start properly since. The
only errors I can see and find in the logs indicate some unknown
issue mounting the /home filesystem. The system has /boot and an LVM
partition with / and /home. / and /boot mount successfully but the
startup drops to emergency mode. After I enter the root password,
I can run "vgchange -a y; mount /home" and /home is immediately
mounted successfully, no problem. I can then issue ^D and the boot
seems to complete. However, the network is not started and no gettys
are running on other PTYs.

It seems apparent to me that there is no problem with the LVM partition
or the /home filesystem. So I don't understand why startup is failing
nor how to discover the true cause.

BTW, and not likely related, but if I try to boot from the latest
kernel (5.14.11), the screen goes very dim after the mode is changed,
making it very hard to see what is going on, and the keys to brighten
the display seem inoperative. Booting from kernel 5.13.19 doesn't
have that effect though the same startup problem happens.

Off to get a COVID booster in the morning so further investigation will
continue after I return.
         Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA       +1 714 434 7359    
        "Quantum computing is a marvelous way to show the non-
         intuitive nature of quantum mechanics." -Gordon Moore
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