On Fri, 15 May 2020 at 16:42, Roger Heflin <rogerheflin@gmail.com> wrote:
Fixing the boot depends on how it is broke.  It could be boot block
missing, grub stage1.5-3 pieces missing, grub.conf missing corrupted
and/or kernel/initramfs files, missing boot flag on the partition.

Don't overlook hardware issues.   The hard disk may have failed, but
there could also be a bad cable.  Some cheap cable lose spring tension
in contacts over time.   It sometimes helps to unplug and reinsert each 
connector.  If a connection is loose so it takes very little effort to unplug,
the cable probably needs to be replaced.   I've seen connects so loose
that the fell off when a system was moved.

What message does it give you when you attempt to boot up?

And in general except for a single condition I know of that would have
required you to be updating kernels before the final reboot, typically
the boot stuff does not suddenly stop working.  So you probably need
to indicate what work you did on that last boot.   There are 2-3
different failures you can have if you were updating a kernel and it
did not go exactly right.  Where exactly is it failing in the boot?
And I deal with people all day that come to me with how do I do this
to fix linux booting, and rarely are their guesses on what is actually
broken and needs to be fix right.  And often if they fixed what they
wanted to do would have made things much worse..

Excellent advice.   

On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 11:19 AM stan via users
<users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 15 May 2020 17:25:04 +0200 (CEST)
> "jon.ingason@telia.com" <jon.ingason@telia.com> wrote:
> > The question is how can I repair the boot partition?
> Since you are running legacy BIOS, I think you mean the MBR at the
> start of the drive, right?  The command to do that is
> grub-install /dev/[sda]
> where sda is the name of the hard drive you want to fix.  Not a
> partition, but the whole device.
> blkid
> will give you the device names for your system.
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George N. White III