On 01/02/2014 08:19 PM, Richard Vickery wrote:

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 3:53 PM, CS DBA <cs_dba@consistentstate.com> wrote:
Hi All;

I'm looking for a replacement for my 15" macbook pro retina, I tried to switch to mac but Linux is just too good.

Thinking of buying a Dell XPS 15 (specs below), anyone have any thoughts on if Fedora will run on this machine?

Thanks in advance

My advice: Go here:


whether it's Ubuntu or whatever Linux  distribution it comes with, its guaranteed to work with all other distributions as well - because we all use the same kernel. Don't bother with a machine that comes with Microsoft stuff on it - you'll just have problems.


I have an older Dell laptop, the Inspiron 6400/E1505, and I have run PCLinuxOS on it with no problems. It came with XP, and I have it
set up to dual-boot. I have, along the way, replaced the hard drive with a solid-state one, and recently the optical drive was refusing
to open, so I put in a new one with Light-Scribe, and it works perfectly.

I think the only way you'll have problems with a Microsoft system is if it is set up to use all the partitions on the drive.  If you only want
to run Linux, then it's easy: wipe off the Microsoft, make new partitions and reformat to ext4. If you want to dual-boot, then you
have to see what needs to be done to the Microsoft system so as to have at least one primary partition available. Then make the
logical partitions you want for your Linux os.

I don't believe I've seen any complaints about running Linux on a Dell machine.  Only wi-fi might give you a little trouble. I had to
find an older Linux driver.

I have been well-satisfied with my Dell. It also has one of the best keyboards of any laptop, but I don't know if all of them have the
same k/b. Remember, mine is quite a few years old. If the k/b is important to you, as to it's "feel" then you should find a sample in
a store and try it out.
