On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 12:52 PM Anil Felipe Duggirala <anilduggirala@fastmail.fm> wrote:
hello everyone,
I have done this before, but now I have one big doubt when completing installation of F36 alongside Win 10.
I shrunk one of the Win partitions to create good space for my Fedora installation.

I have done this many times.  Being of the belts and suspenders mondest, especially where Windows is involved,
I always use the Fedora Live OS to double check that the space is recognized as unused by linux before running
the installer.
I have booted the Fedora Live installer and entered the Installation destination section (screenshot here: https://user.fm/files/v2-f5626c9be22f21a346c100750161ab0e/nh7b5m4y3fv6uixreqdx.png). If I select Automatic, will Fedora be automatically installed in the biggest unallocated space? and this space partitioned as per Fedora default?
I have seen instructions where people select Custom, and manually create partitions, I am way too nervous about partitioning the disk myself. I don't want to mess up the Win installation that has taken me time to setup. I don't remember having to this before.

I almost always stick with the defaults, in part because I want my system configured in a way similar to what my colleagues have.

PS -- many systems with Windows installed the vendor provide a recovery partition.  In practice, I have only used the recovery partition when transferring a system to someone else.  Microsoft provides updated installers which avoid the long many reboots process needed to use the recovery partition version .

George N. White III