I have an F17 server that will no longer boot.  When entering emergency mode, it looks like not all of the device file nodes are being created.  All of the physician volumes and volume groups are okay, but only some of the logical volumes have their device files created.  In particular the volume containing my /var filesystem doesn't show up.

When I enter 'lvs', all the logical volumes are listed, and they are active.  These are all on one physical volume.

If I enter 'vgscan --mknodes' then the missing device files do get created.  I can subsequently get to all my data (first using cryptsetup to decrypt the LUKS volume that is stored inside the logical volume, and then mount).

However I can not get the system to continue booting beyond the emergency mode, and upon the next reboot, again, some of the lvm device files are missing.

Any ideas?

Deron Meranda