On 7 Mar 2022, at 06:47, Javier Perez <pepebuho@gmail.com> wrote:

I am using Fedora 35 and everything  is working fine in general.

But I was checking out my hardware and I realized that It is from 2013. My CPU is 4th generation intel and I am using the nvidia-470 drivers for my video card. Motherboard uses the H87 chipset.

System is being used for regular home use, no extreme gaming or anything that really stress it out. Occasional ffmpeg usage. 

I just wonder if this combination will become obsolete anytime soon and should I worry about it...

Appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

I use a rule-of-thumb that hardware over 5 years old is likely to fail under me.

For my file-server/email-server I use RAID enterprise disks with 5 year warranty.
When I'm at the end of the 5 years I replace the server completely.

My main desktop machine is getting old, coming up in 7 years, and parts
keep failing.

The motherboard ethernet died a little while ago and I added a ethernet
card. CPU fan sometime is noisy.

Now when booted into Windows 1 core is 90% busy all the time in
"System Interrupt" process. Fedora thinks the hardware is fine.



 |O O|  pepebuho@gmail.com
 ~~~~     Javier Perez
 ~~~~          While the night runs
 ~~~~          toward the day...
  m m       Pepebuho watches
                from his high perch.
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