On Oct 22, 2022, at 21:56, Stephen Morris <samorris@netspace.net.au> wrote:

    As part of the install of F36 from the live CD I have, there is a question asking whether or not to install 3rd party repositories. I have done the install twice and replied to the message in the affirmative both times, and all that did was enable the rpmfusion nvidia and steam repositories, it did not enable the rpmfusion-nonfree nor the rpmfusion-free repositories, I had to actually install them manually. Why, as I assumed the 3rd party repositories were the rpmfusion ones?

This is as designed:


If you want the full RPMfusion repositories, you will need to install them yourself. Fedora only includes a small subset of RPMfusion packages in special repositories. 

Jonathan Billings