
after I regularly installed "seahorse key-manager",
the window that appear when I launch it, have not the "main menu" on the top of his window:
this menu is showed (and appears) in the instruction and in the explanation of this application.

I can yet use "seahorse", but only pushing the button with a "big sign plus (+).." (on the up left corner of the window).

I am not sure (because I am not accustom to use the seahorse application) but I can think that  my installation (without the main menu on the top of the window ) don't give me the full control of usage of the program..

Can I know the reason that my installation have not the main menu?
(I made plus than one installation of the program , alter uninstalled the previous)
<the version is seahorse 3.36.2>
This lack (of the menu) give limitation to usage of the program ?

Thank you for a kind answer

