2010/11/3 M A Young <m.a.young@durham.ac.uk>
On Wed, 3 Nov 2010, Colin Paul Adams wrote:

> The initial installation menu comes up ok. I select the default option
> (install or upgrade). A lot of messages flash by (about two screens
> worth), and then i see something like:
> running /sbin/loader
> check hardware
> waiting for hardware
> then it clears the screen, and the DVD drive runs for several minutes
> before eventually stopping. I never see anything else except the blank
> screen.

I had the blank screen problem when trying to upgarde , and ended up
feeding the boot line various options like nofb nomodeset and text though
I don't know how much help they were. It worked some of the time, possibly
not related to the options I was trying (I had a few attempts due to other
reasons), and I did eventually get the upgrade to work but it might have
been luck.

It might be worth starting with
which I was trying to follow but I was doing it from memory and I think
with hindsight I was scrambling some of the options.

       Michael Young

Try with the LiveCD's :)
<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
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