The 20 gigs freee space is in WIndows (NTFS) ...
But When I try the option "Automatically Partition" , it doesnt work


> From: ignored_mailbox@yahoo.com.au
> To: fedora-list@redhat.com
> Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 17:13:37 +0930
> Subject: Re: Regd Installation of FC- 6
> On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 12:48 +0530, pavan kumar wrote:
> > I am trying to dual boot FC -6 on my Windows XP, Intel Core 2 Duo m/c
> > with 512 MB Ram ..
> > I have 20 GB free Space on Windows XP ...
> >
> > I got strucked up during Installing Saying
> >
> > "Unable to Create Primary Partition (/) .. No Freee space on the
> > disk" ...
> Is your 20 gigs free space part of the drive partitions you're using
> with Windows, or something separate.
> If it's part of a current Windows partition, you'd need to shrink the
> current partition down (which can be done without destroying data, but
> the risk is still there). Then you'd create new partitions for Linux in
> the freed space.
> If your free space is really spare drive space, and it's not showing up,
> that's another issue to diagnose.
> --
> (This PC runs FC4, my others FC5 & FC6, in case that's important
> to the thread)
> Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.
> I read messages from the public lists.
> --
> fedora-list mailing list
> fedora-list@redhat.com
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