On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 2:34 AM ToddAndMargo via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On 7/31/22 06:56, James Szinger wrote:

I used RHEL cones for years.  They DROVE ME CRAZY.
RHEL locked in older versions of code, bugs and
all.  Things never improved.   And Red hat
is very difficult to get to fix anything unless
you put one of them on your payroll, which no
individual or small business can do.

I used RH at home when you purchased a CD-ROM, and
at work from late 1990's for a couple decades.  In my experience,
RH were good about backporting bug fixes, but if you needed
a newer version of some library you had to build it yourself, and
often the library targeted newer toolchains, so you had to install
a devtoolset to get current tools.

I upgraded to Fedroa and I still am tickled
when I start it.  And it has been sevarl
years.   EVERYTHING WORKS (well almost).

I use Fedora to check apps I developed for potential issues
which can be changes in tools and libraries as well as
libraries that have been dropped.  I also use it for the
mission-critical ESA and NASA apps used to prepare
inputs for my apps to make sure my apps handle
the constant stream of changes in those apps.

Most of my colleagues outside N. America use Ubuntu,
but Fedora is popular in organizations that were using
CentOS on their servers (and are now looking for an
alternative to CentOS). 

I set up Fedora (as a) server by first just
installing Xfce from Live Xfce.  Then I install
whatever server software I need.

And if you want to pull a RHEL with Fedora,
just don't upgrade it.

Then you are missing security updates.  In my circle
of colleagues, many working for large enterprises,
IT will not permit that.

George N. White III