Sorry to hear of your painful experience. I wanted to offer that I Have had
great luck with the live-creator on usb thumb drives.

i can do a complete basic install w/o internet connection, but to get up to date,
you need a live access to the internet...

I think there is a way to create the thumb drive from windows. the best part is,
you can boot from the thumb drive for a test drive of linux w/o clobbering your
current M$ install (although IMHO, nuking M$ is always the best policy! :)

see fedora's home page for more...

good luck, jackc...

On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 6:25 AM, Mike Flannigan <> wrote:

FYI, my 3rd attempt to go to Linux failed.  Ubuntu
didn't get anywhere - the startup install screen
would not show, just a blank screen.  Tried 32 bit
and 64 bit - same failure.

Fedora 17 64 bit installed just fine.  After updates I
got the "GPU-lockup - switching to software fbcon" problem.
I think I fixed that in an OS reinstallation with a lot of
work involving installing nvidia drivers.

The main problem was no local home network connection
(unable to mount location).  I had internet connection
(unlike the previous time I tried to move to Linux), but
no home network.  I spent a lot of time trying to figure
it out, but no luck.  Maybe next time.

All this was on a brand new machine.

I'm back to Windows 7 for now.  At least it works (sort of).
It sure was painful giving MS $100.

Mike Flannigan

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