On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Rick Stevens <ricks@alldigital.com> wrote:
On 11/04/2015 10:10 AM, Mark Haney wrote:

So, I should be able to upgrade in the next few hours or so?

I'm going to chime in here...I wouldn't upgrade for a week or so at
least if you have that many systems to do. While many folk have
upgraded with no issues, some have had some awful issues. The F23 repos
are still in a state of flux (they're not fully synced yet), there have
been problems with nVidia driver incompatibility with the F23 version
of X, some issues with KDE desktop items not being pushed into release,
etc., etc.

I completely understand where you're coming from on this, at work it's always the 'wait for Service Pack 1' mindset.

We always seem to have these issues when a new release comes out. The
devel folk do a very good job of testing, but they only have access to
a limited assortment of hardware platforms. Some of the bug-a-boos don't
appear until it gets "into the wild."

Personally, I almost always wait at least two weeks. Sorry gang, but I
don't have the time to catch the spears on new releases and I kind of
rely on some of the others here to winnow out some of the really nasty
gotchas. For those that walk the minefield before me, I am eternally

I do understand the sentiment here as well, but maybe I unintentionally misled everyone with my mention of the number of systems I want to upgrade.  None of these are production level systems, in fact only one is work related (that being my laptop). The rest are my daughters' laptops, my home servers and my parents systems. My work has a couple dozen Ubuntu systems (not my first choice, btw), so I rebel and run Fedora on my laptop.  

"I don't have to be faster than the bear--I only have to be faster than

And after undergoing 6 surgeries on my feet and looking at having one to repair a damaged knee, I do believe most corpses could outrun me, I think you're safe.  :)



Mark Haney ::: Senior Systems Engineer

VIF International Education
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