It's not clamd.scan.service.  It's clamd@scan.service.
[root@moses shorewall]# systemctl is-active clamd@scan.service

On 9/17/2012 5:04 AM, Zdenek Pytela wrote:
Arthur Dent pise:
Hello all,

Has anyone got a simple walkthrough for configuring clamd and getting it
working with systemd on F17?

I am getting lost in the myriad of <SERVICE> and PID (etc. etc.) things
I have to change and .conf files I have to edit and move...

In particular, what am I supposed to do with
the /usr/lib/systemd/system/clamd@.service file?
	Not to touch ;-). Just run
systemctl enable clamd.scan.service
systemctl start clamd.scan.service

On previous Fedora installs (pre F15) I used to use this excellent
script which took all the pain out of setup:

if that's line-wrapped try this:

but I am not confident that this script will now properly configure
systemd now that I am rebuilding a F17 server.

Any hints, tips, guides, handholding, or smacks on the head gratefully
	The script should be adapted for 17 convention, but generally
it might (?) work. Commands like chkconfig are redirected, paths like
/var/run have apropriate links.
	I have my clamav service working without any hacking but configuring
/etc/freshclam.conf and possibly (in one case) the /etc/clamd.d/* files.