I have a 2 hard drive system with one hard drive with windows and one with linux. i installed linux (fedora Core 2) to the second one yesterday and the installation went fine. i set the boot loader to the linux hard drive as i didnt want to touch my widows HD. then i tried rebooting and it just booted linux, so i figured it was probably just an erorr with the boot priorities so i changed the #1 HD to the HD with linux so it would boot before the linux one. Well it worked, sort of. now when i boot my PC with the linux hard drive it just brings up a black screen with text in the top left corner that says "GRUB..." i know this is the name of the bootloader but i dont know what it is doing. it doesnt respond to any keyboard or mouse input, i have to restart the computer. I reinstalled linux (completely reformated the HD) thinking that that just might have been the problem, a bad install, but that didnt work either. i dont know what to do. please help...