mmm. Thanks for this comment. I should know better than to bite but I just have to anyway - what's the point of being inflamitory? Why not just make your point? Or buy a dog to kick - work of some of that agro - you know, man? ;-) "developers forum": a forum for developers. Am I a developer? No. Should I post to the developers forum? Well, I'll check it out but I think that I might be forgiven for thinking that the developer's forum is for developers... :-D hmm, if you can't find the developers forum, then you probably shouldn't be posting there... On Mon, 31 May 2004 02:46:44 +1000, Marc Lucke <> wrote:
> Stupid question - probably an RTFA one at that so sorry in advance -
> would this list be looked at by any one of the Fedora coders?  There are
> many basic Q&As which is good but is there another place for me to ask
> or relate my problem/s?
> --
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