ect: Re: Q about installing F10 from Live DVD
jackson byers wrote:
> Well, the f10liveinstall cd didnt work for me,
> ( see f10 liveinstall cd trashed my main fc5)

Well, FC5 is long out of support, that's what you get for waiting so long
until you finally upgrade. (Hint: you're supposed to upgrade at each or
every other release, not wait 5 releases and then install in parallel,
still keeping the totally outdated version.)

       Kevin Kofler
I am fully aware that I was/am way out of date, and fully nonsupported in fc5.
I _was_  trying to install the current f10 
(which i think you would encourage)
but wanted to retain fc5 until i successfully installed f10,
surely a safe practice.

Instead I  got my main fc5 clobbered by
some combination of
--my own inexperience
--a live/install cd that did not have a "custom" option.
  or i  couldnt see it.

David's experience also was that there was no custom option.

I purchased my cd from
Fedora 10 KDE Edition - install/Live CD

is this some outdated version?
or a deficient version?
not officially supported?
How is one to know?
