On 8/10/2012 10:28 AM, users-request@lists.fedoraproject.org wrote:

On 08/10/2012 06:25 AM, Mike Flannigan wrote:
All this was on a brand new machine.

I'm back to Windows 7 for now.  At least it works (sort of).
It sure was painful giving MS $100.

Does that mean that it works as well as Windows 7 does, or that it doesn't work as well as it should, even when running Windows?  In the latter case, complain to the OEM, let them find out what's wrong with it, and then, when it's running Windows 7 as well as it's supposed to, try Linux again.

The Windows 7 is working as it is intended to work, but I
don't like the way any windows works since Win2000.  In
Win 7 the search is broke, getting to the desktop is too
hard, and dragging a folder or file to another folder is
WAY harder than it was in any other previous Windows version. 
The "restore previous versions" is very nice, and I guess the
remote desktop if pretty good, but MS makes too many stupid
decisions for my liking.