Thanks Rick,

What is driving me nuts is that I have a RHEL 4 ES box running right beside the FC 6 box. 

The RHEL is functioning quite well, as a point of fact it is the server that this mail application is running on.

What the difference in RHEL 4 and FC 6 that a nameserver works perfectly on one and not at all on the other with the same bind setup is frustrating beyond belief.

Thank God I have never run into this with the Cisco stuff I normally work with.

I am just so fed up with Microsoft at work and wiith their support attitude that making FC 6 work has become something of a crusade with me.

Again Thanks

Mike Dwiggins

Rick Stevens wrote:
On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 18:49 -0700, Mike Dwiggins wrote:
 I am trying to set up a second server which is going to have Master 
Zones and Slave Zones so must be a full nameserver not a caching-nameserver.

I did a complete virgin install of FC 6 and then did a
yum install bind*

I then went into /etc looking for named.conf,  all I could find was a 

The caching-nameserver.conf contained a comment line that said to use 
system-config-bind to create a named.conf.

A quick whatis system-config shows that there is no system-config-bind 
command in FC 6.

yum install system-config-bind

Being a rookie enough to have never seen a full nameserver named.conf I 
have no idea how to proceed from here.


Mike Dwiggins

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- Rick Stevens, Principal Engineer    -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-         We have enough youth, how about a fountain of SMART?       -