On 30 Jun 2023, at 14:15, stan via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

On Thu, 29 Jun 2023 17:44:01 +0200
lejeczek via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

On 28/06/2023 20:26, stan via users wrote:
Operator error.  Exporting the wrong name because of a cut and
paste. Once I fixed that, definitely works to change colors in
journalctl output, will have to tune it to get what I want.
I put this in my .bashrc so everything is set on login.
SYSTEMD_LESS="[list of less options]"
Not exactly, I'd not think of it as _the_ solution - (I much 

This is correct.  After I posted this, I found that it is impossible to
actually set the colors in journalctl because they are hard coded as
escape sequences when the data is written into the journal.  What I had
done is remove the R option to less, which turns off such escape
sequences.  In my case, the less options I set for color then seems to
highlight the ESC in light red, so I know which lines journalctl wants
to highlight, but not their status.  That isn't optimal, but the
horrible dark blue on black background is gone, so I can live with it.

I would be nice to be able to configure the colours used. Would need a PR against systemd I expect to get this changed.

One hack would be to edit the output and replace the escape sequence for the poor colour to use a replacement using sed I guess.

For example change the blue to red.

SYSTEMD_COLORS=16 journalctl  | sed 's/\x1b\[0;34m/\x1b\[0;31m/g' | more

I use more not less and notice that less does not show the coloured output.


prefer to up&down pages via actual mechanical scrolling) - 
as I use, always I've had, SYSTEMD_PAGER=cat so...

man page for 'journalctl' has a shor section:
When outputting to a tty, lines are colored according to 
priority: lines of level ERROR and higher are colored red;
       lines of level NOTICE and higher are highlighted; 
lines of level DEBUG are colored lighter grey; other lines are
       displayed normally.

would be nice to be able to customize those & if 'systemd' 
delegates declaration of that 'highlighting' colour then 
these below do not do it:
a) terminal-colors.d - perhaps systemd/journal ignores it 
b) gnome-terminal has config for 'Highlight colour'

It would be great/the best to have that functionality 
internal to systemd/journal - thus, if authors/devel might 
read here - please think of this conversation's subject as 
possible future addition/enhancement to the software.

Yes, this would be the solution.  Unless there is some setting in
systemd already that allows for changing the colors, they are set by
systemd when it writes things into the journal, probably based on what
the application requests when it reports the error.
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