2011/2/9 John Pierce <john.j35@gmail.com>
Greetings all!

I have been away from Fedora for some time, but came home to old
faithful after realizing that OpenSuse was going to take forever to
patch up the kernel to fix a buggy DSDT for my Toshiba labtops.

Here is my problem, along with some details:

I have two Toshiba L505D-GS6000 laptops that are identical, I truly
mean identical.  Running lspci on both machines will yield the same
exact configuration.

I installed Fedora 14 on laptop 1, updated the system, installed wicd
and removed networkmanager (I do not like it), and then ran the
following commands.

I ran make clean && make && make install for the Realtek driver that I
need for my wireless card, all went well and I was able to modprobe it

I then opened wicd and it saw my wireless router (WPA secured), I gave
it the necessary credentials and all is fine, typing this post from
that machine.


Everything went identically to the above process, but I have no
listing for WPA authentication.  I have insured that wpa_supplicant is
running and all versions are the same.

I am now at a complete loss to figure out what is keeping it from
scanning the networks.

Any thoughts, ideas, comments would be greatly appreciated.

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Amm, is your SSID hidden? try to make it visible and then Try to reconect the second laptop after a reboot, 
also is the wireless adapter working? Try to unlock it with rfkill:

(As Root in your terminal)

1.- sudo yum -y install rfkill

2.- rfkill list

3.- rfkill unblock all

4.- rfkill list

Hope it gets solved.

<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
@GWave: jmlevick@googlewave.com
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