Hi All,

I recently installed java on FC1, but i'm not able to run anything. Even if i try to execute programs like 'java' and javac' i get an error ;

"usr/java/jdk1.3/bin/i386/native_threads/java: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

upon checking the package i find that its 'jdk-1.3-fcs' that's installed on my system. What does 'fcs' stands for?

I also tried to set the PATH and CLASSPATH but i get the same error as above.  Later i tried installing "eclipse IDE" which supposidly has its own copy of java and doesn't need to install java seperately (not very sure). but that also didn't work.

Can anyone suggest what's wrong?

Thanks and Regards,