On 18 January 2013 18:20, Frank Murphy <frankly3d@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, 18 Jan 2013 17:14:49 +0000
Timothy Murphy <gayleard@eircom.net> wrote:

> Do most people install Fedora from CDs?

Live discs, as distinct from CD

Live discs aren't CDs? I always burned a live image onto a CD and then put that into a CD/DVD drive. Is there a way to stuff a live disc into a USB slot on a computer wihout an optical drive? I must have missed that option because I certainly would have loved to do that.

I installed F17 from the DVD because I had problems with the liveusb-creator contraption -- at that time, I had a FreeBSD and a Windows computers, and couldn't get liveusb-creator to create a bootable image from either of these. Might have been a bug that's fixed now, might have been my fault; I don't know, frankly.

I installed F18 from the netinstall image just because I knew that it would just work and thought it would be easier to simply waste another CD than to mess with the liveusb-creator thingy once again.

I have to say, though, that I always wondered why Fedora Project doesn't offer official USB images. It seems a little backward to me -- especially since installing Fedora is the only thing I've ever used a CD drive for in the past six months, and I never used those burned CDs more than once.