On 12/24/14 10:03, poma wrote:
What theme it is?
$ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName

[bobg@box10 ~]$ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName

 * * Use this css file to eliminate problems in Firefox
 * * when using dark themes that create dark on dark
 * * input boxes, selection menus and buttons. Put this
 * * in the ../firefox/default/chrome folder or your
 * * individual user firefox profile chrome folder.
.................  snip  ....

I can't locate "/chrome/userContent.css"

I do find a number of directories/files like:

Perhaps I need to add it somewhere in that area, if so where?

box10  Fedora-21/64bit Linux/XFCE