On Mar 19, 2013 12:52 PM, "Temlakos" <temlakos@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03/19/2013 03:07 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Am 19.03.2013 19:38, schrieb Peter Gueckel:
>>> I have been looking at smartphones and tablets (I presently own
>>> neither, due to outrageous monthly fees and lengthy contracts), as
>>> I am starting to feel that I no longer want to do without mobility.
>>> However, how does Fedora fit into this? Is there a way to put
>>> Fedora onto a tablet or smartphone?
>>> Ubuntu offers an intriguing compromise, for users of an Android
>>> phone. Hook up a keyboard and monitor and run Ubuntu, so you don't
>>> exactly have your full system in your hand, but you _do_ have it in
>>> your pocket. Pretty cool, but it's not KDE-Fedora!
>>> How do you go about it?
>> this direction is completly wrong
>> a smartphone is not the same as a desktop-computer
>> terrible enough that these days way too much developers
>> designing interfaces while optimize them for phones and
>> tablets which is plain stupid
>> yes - i use a Galaxy S3
>> but i would not come to this train: everywhere the same
> Did you know that a consensus is rapidly developing that the present environment, with desktops (or mini-towers) and laptops dominating, will give place totally to The Cloud, where all data will reside, and you will access it using a smartphone with the occasional auxiliary keyboard and screen? And print to the nearest wireless print server? What advice will you have for the worker in a multinational or Fortune 100 enterprise that decides to build a private Cloud and expects its workers to maintain all data on The Cloud and work with it using smartphones and tablets, to the exclusion of mini-towers and laptops?
> By now you are wondering, I'm sure, /Was is los/? Here is an article by Jason Perlow at ZDNet, outlining the new Cloud-ed future:
> http://www.zdnet.com/cloud-haters-you-too-will-be-assimilated-7000012059/
> Temlakos
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Before we look at phones, we ought to question whether these Ubuntu phones are going to sell. Though, considering the other aside of the argument, hand-held data devices are the way computing seems to be headed.