Under the root signon in KDE I created a "New User".  I then rebooted and attempted to sign on to the new user.  The only thing that happens is that it flashes and brings up the log on prompt again and again.
The only deviation to this is if I attempt to sign on with the new user to KDE.  Then it says that it is not able run the "configuration4".  At this point, it brings me back to the beginning.
I think I am at the point where I may use what tools I have available, back up all data - documents, photos, etc. then attempt to either do a complete install (not upgrade) of Fedora 9 or skip Fedora 9 and go to Fedora 10. 
I am a bit skeptical of loading a beta product.
Thanks for the help. 
-------------- Original message from Craig White <craigwhite@azapple.com>: --------------

> On Mon, 2008-10-27 at 16:09 +0000, vohnmaxwell@bellsouth.net wrote:
> > I've upgraded to Fedora 9 and about the only thing that seems to run
> > with any consistancy are the KDE applications. Third party programs,
> > such as OpenOffice, will not run. FireFox runs sporatically in Gnome
> > but not at all in KDE. Forget about Gnome applications - Evolution
> > for example.
> >
> > I have been using Evolution as my mail client/calendar/contact list
> > and more for some time. It interfaces with OpenOffice by allowing it
> > to generate labels using the contacts from Evolution.
> >
> > Has Fedora abondoned support for Gnome? How about OpenOffice?
> >
> > Or, is there something I am missing?
> ----
> create a new user and try logging in as that user and see if gnome,
> openoffice, etc. work properly, which they should.
> If so, the problem is with the files in your $HOME directory
> If not, you have a problem with your installation
> GNOME, OpenOffice should work fine on an updated Fedora 9 installation.
> Craig
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