2014/07/04 3:52 "Jonathan Ryshpan" <jonrysh@pacbell.net>:
> On Thu, 2014-07-03 at 13:12 -0500, Kevin Martin wrote:
> > On 07/03/2014 12:47 PM, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
> > > I run a small weather station that acts as a web server.  Recently it's
> > > become impossible to access it via the web, though I can still access it
> > > over my local network.
> > Do a google search for microsoft and no-ip.  You may have gotten clobbered
> > by microsoft.
> And I spent much of an evening trying to figure out what was going on.
> Another example of M$ arrogance and incompetence, the kind of thing that
> afflicts so many large organizations, public and private.  I wish I
> could sue them for damages; but the money involved is vanishingly small.
> jon

Don't admit it in public! Get a lawyer.

And claim time lost and mental anguish and future earnings, ...

(Yeah, if the big companies can claim future earnings, why can't the little guy?)