Sometimes I feel creative and I want to create something new. Little projects,because I'm not experienced. Why not ? This is a method to learn just as the using of an existing tool. WIth a difference. That if I create something new I feel better than if I use a tool that already exists. Vagrant or ansible are complicated tools. Maybe I will learn them "tomorrow". Now I want to develop something that makes me feel "alive".

On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 11:47 PM Jonathan Billings <> wrote:
On Apr 3, 2023, at 17:26, Mario Marietto <> wrote:
> ---> I'm not sure how you run your linux systems matters for an update automation tool. Not sure how an update tool helps with the backup and disaster recovery.
> because my idea is to improve your script to adapt it to work on Debian and Arch,too,so that,every time you issue the commands expected by your script,they will work for every VM you want. In this way we will have the same information stored in 3 different operating systems. One or two of them crash ? The remaining VM is good and your data will be safe.

If you want a generic tool for remotely updating and configuring systems that is cross-distro compatible, I suggest using Ansible rather than reinventing the wheel.

Also, check out Vagrant to automate building VMs, although Ansible is also getting pretty good at that.

The original post has some neat ideas but a lot of it can (and has) been done with Ansible. I use it to build VMs with luks and automate Clevis/Tang for automatic decryption, along side other more mundane configurations.

Jonathan Billings
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