On 24 March 2014 11:13, John Pilkington <J.Pilk@tesco.net> wrote:
On 24/03/14 07:20, Ahmad Samir wrote:

The other link I posted[1] is about the gpgkey entry in fedora .repo
files in /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo; IIUC at some point it was changed to be:

note the $releasever bit there; the error message you posted mentioned:

I got confused by this. I have three .rpmnew files in repo.d, for fedora-updates-testing, for rpmfusion-free-updates-testing, and for rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing.  I reinstalled them yesterday, and the fedora version has -$basearch, the rpmfusion ones don't.

I was mainly talking about the fedora* repos. I looked at the rpmfusion ones on my box and indeed they don't have the $basearch bit at the end; that's how rpmfusion package their .repo files, so it's not a bug per se.
That's what I see for the updates versions, too.  F19.

I had edited the original versions to enable the repos I use.

John P

Ahmad Samir

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Ahmad Samir