Hi James,
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 08:45:39AM +0000, James Hogarth wrote:
Or, will less zeros ....
tcping -t 1 imap.gmail.com 993 :-) :-)
Specifically what's going on here is that fedora netcat is not the old netcat you know.
A little while back (I don't remember which release) it was replaced by nmap netcat (ncat):
[root@server ~]# rpm -qf /usr/bin/nc nmap-ncat-6.01-9.fc18.x86_64
This does not have the old -z option as you mention... tcping is the best of the options others have presented (no idea what that person was going on about netstat for...)
The other alternative to tcping is nmap ...
nmap -Pn -p993 imap.gmail.com
Thanks a lot! I had a suspicion the issue was something like this. This is extremely inconvenient though, since now I have to change quite a few scripts, more importantly now I also have to figure out the machine my script is running on (e.g. laptop or institutes servers).
I guess switching to nmap might resolve the second issue.