Let me try again.  I want to copy a file with a filename like 2013-August-18--1123.zip to another folder.  However, because the last 4 digits of the filename won't always be the same, I want to be able to search in a bash script for '2013-August-18--*.zip'. I.e. match all files with '2013-August-18--' in the filename.  From a console I can do this by:

ls 2013-August-18--*.zip

How can I do that in a bash script.  I can probably use find, but this seems much simpler and/or quicker than finding one file.

Does that make more sense?

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Joe Zeff <joe@zeff.us> wrote:
On 08/19/2013 11:56 AM, Mark Haney wrote:

# Filename format YYYY_MM_DD--HHMM.zip

I think that's supposed to be "\*" but ICBW.
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Mark Haney
Software Developer/Consultant